Sunday, July 22, 2007

Lazy Sunday

I snapped this pic while Max was looking out the bathroom window yesterday:

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Hubby didn't get it, but I thought it was adorable. Here is a pic of my favorite piece of spray art I've created thus far. It was done mostly by pressing wet stencils over the I use them on one piece, just slap the wet stencil on something else for a cool monoprint:

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And here's Mr Puss in his favorite our bed between my and hubby's pillows, where he knows he will get lots of lovin':

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Hope you're having a fab weekend!

1 comment:

Crafty Green Poet said...

Mr Puss looks very much at home there! Lovely sidebar pics of all your cats and I like your mail art too!

The Eve of 51

Just writing the title made me burst into tears.  Not for growing older...I'm thankful for every day in this lifetime.  Not for physical...