Sunday, October 11, 2009

asking, believing, accepting

Sometimes it seems so simple, getting what we need. Sometimes only in retrospect do we realize that the terrible thing that happened or the major setback we experienced really wasn't that at was simply a detour in our journey that made us stronger, wiser, more grateful for our blessings...that helped us arrive at the amazing place we are. That's what these last few months, this entire year really, have taught me. I've learned to ask for what I need and want, to believe I will get it, and to see it and savor it when it's realized.

There are many examples from my life that I could recite, but the request most recently granted to me by the Universe is my wish to be invited to a retreat, a gathering, a what-ever-you-want-to-call-it, much like this one. I read about it last year, and felt so jealous that I didn't have a community like that, that I couldn't just whisk myself away for days and be surrounded with loving supportive friends who "get" me. Poor poor me. Then again this year I read about their 2009 gathering, but the feelings I had were different this time. I could feel the joy they shared, the comaraderie, the healing they experienced , and was glad for them. And I wanted that for me too! So I said aloud to the Universe "I want to be invited to a love bombers retreat!! I want to be invited to a love bombers retreat!! I want to be invited to a love bombers retreat!!" I shouted it 3 times, because there's just something about the number 3. Thank goodness I was home alone! Then I didn't worry about it, I didn't obsess over it, I just turned it over to the Universe.

About 4 weeks later, I was celebrating my birthday with a couple of friends, when one of them asked if we would be interested in a girls getaway. Of couse we were, and this coming Friday a small group of us will be leaving for a cabin on the lake! It didn't even dawn on me that my request had been granted until a couple of days later, and realizing it brought tears to my eyes, filled me with joy, and made me feel so nurtured and loved by the Univese.

Many good things have happened in my life since my last post. To name a few: I have a new boss that I LOVE (hi Joe!), I started weekly yoga, two friends that had moved away are now back in town, my pendants are being sold in a third shop, I attended my third art retreat and have registered for the fourth and fifth, my circle of friends has grown, and I have been invited to do a show here in November, where I will be soldering in public for the first time ever! Life is very full and I am trying to savor it all while keeping stress in check, which, as you very well know, isn't always easy.

Thank you for checking in here, and for not forgetting about me. I wish I could say I will post more often but I can't make that commitment. Maybe I can learn how to post from my phone? I would love to hear about the good things that have happened to you recently, so leave a comment or drop me an email!


ps-the images are of my halloween tree I put together yesterday


Anonymous said...

Love your Halloween tree!

I wandered over to your blog. Found you on the 2009 One World One Heart Giveaway site. After watching the movie Julie and Julia recently, I've decided to try and go through the ENTIRE OWOH list, from beginning to end, in 90 days and connect/reconnect with all the artists and blogs that truly inspire me! Your blog is amazing and really resonated with me!

A bit about me. I'm a mystery writer, jewelry artist, and college professor. Yes, and a Gemini, if you couldn't tell! Here is my blog, where I blend my mystery writing and jewelry craft:
My first mystery Keeping House: A Madame President mystery just came out on Amazon.
Take care and as Julia Child might say, "Bon Blogging!"

Jeanne Nelson said...

Great to find your blog, Chandra . . . but even better to have you, your presence, and your beautiful pieces of art with us at the shop yesterday! I truly hope we can stay in touch. Look me up on Suzi's site, or Facebook, if you would like. I have pics of most of my latest creations on both sites. Would love to get together anytime, to create and share our passions! Big hugs ~~ Jeanne Nelson

The Eve of 51

Just writing the title made me burst into tears.  Not for growing older...I'm thankful for every day in this lifetime.  Not for physical...